Inspires Me...!
I have watched many movies but the type if movies that I watch is either love story or a action movie. When I watch a movie at times I feel like becoming one of the actor not like them just in a movie but in reality.
DON 2 a Bollyhood movie, I had already watched it but today it was my second time watching with my brother. Though there is nothing to do with him I was really inspired by e way one of the actor who hacked the master CPU of worlds best security system. I know it was not done in real but that happen to make me feel like being one like him. I am saying these because I love technology and on the other part I am also good at it. When ever I watch a movie of these kind I am always being inspired by such technological part if the movie. Exactly a about 3 week ago I watched 3 Idiots that's also a Bollyhood movie and in that movie I was mostly inspired by the main character who is Amir Khan. The way he did all the things related to engineering and also I feel like receiving the award of Student of the year that is going to happen when I reach my collage life. What ever it is there is always one part of me that says the things that happen in movies will not really be true in our real life. Apart from that when I am aware of my brother watching such movie I want him to get inspired but it but not from the bad side of it. While I also studied a book called You Can Win written by Shiv Khera where he wrote a story which tells us "We don't see the world the way they are, rather we see world the way we are" nicely said. So I recall these saying when worrying about my brother and take into consideration that he is a good guy.